Monday, October 19, 2009

She was knitting her life back together

She was knitting her life back together

Each stitch

Each knit

Each purl was pulling her back together

Except she was just knitting

She didn’t like to purl

Just to be obstinate and perverse

She kept knitting

Feeling different

Not knowing, or caring, that is called the garter stitch

A quite respectable stitch

She was knitting her life back together

Figured she had knit enough to cover her legs

Now working towards the head

How much to knit, to ravel what had become unraveled?

To know, one must keep knitting

Until it is done

In the meantime,

She was knitting her life back together

It started out clutching to reality

It became something stronger as it grew

As it grew, it became an epiphany


As it became beautiful, reality grew

Soon, the knitting was done,

She was done

She had knitted her life back together

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