Saturday, October 17, 2009

Looking forward

I went to the New Mexico State Fair every year we lived there. One year as we were going through the goat barn, we stopped to see the 4H display. One child was raising pygmy goats that, unfortunately, kept dying. She documented all the goats she had raised to get to the one she went to the fair with. I am sure that must have been heartbreaking, but she started over with a new kid each time.

I think of that resolution and focus when I have deaths on the farm. Teddy died on Tuesday and it just about broke my heart. I have other alpacas that need me too, so can't let grief prostate me. We have hit our rainy season, the poop needs scooping or it becomes a health hazard, the hay needs to be in the feeders to make sure they eat. My alpacas are sissys and don't like to get wet to graze. Yet, I still look for him in the field. Intellectually, it is easy to tell one self that life goes on. Emotionally, it is quite another thing.

1 comment:

Zena Suri Alpacas said...

I am so very sorry to hear about Teddy. Whether we should or not, we love all of our "livestock" even when we haven't stayed up nights with them--even when we tried with all of our will and strength to make them live.

You did all you could for Teddy but sometimes it just isn't meant to be.

The little goat-raiser had it right. You just keep trying. Love and blessings to you and yours. I just know it will get better.