The alpacas we had separated to a different field to wean are rejoined with the main herd today. It is great fun to allow the little ones to explore forgotten areas, remake old friendships, and prance through the field in wild exuberance!
The alpaca is a wonderful creature: its curiosity and basic whimsy propels them to do all manner of things when they encounter new things. For instance, when Cinnamon Kiss, a mother pregnant with her first child, entered the new field, she started to prong up and down the field (think pepe le pew), with a full complement of babies joyously following her. The other adults excitedly investigate the "newcomers," sniffing them and then hopping back, swinging their necks around for no discernible purpose other than the pure fun of it.
Of course, the areas of the barn that had once been separated into two were now one, and the first thing both groups of alpacas did was investigate the others' hay; the grass is always greener and all that, I suppose.
When you get to watch this sort of display of unbridled enthusiasm for life, it makes you proud. Proud that you are a part of providing for their basic needs so they can partake in such luxuries as play, and proud that you belong to the same earth as them, receive the same deal.
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